Goodmorning everyone! It looks like there is some size out back today as we approach low tide slotted for 11:35am. The wind is pretty heavy today blowing ENE at around 20mph putting some chop on the surface. Sets look around waist to head high but very disorganized. Some waves will stand up far out back then die and then stand back up and break in a different spot. The drift is gnarly again as well pulling towards south end. There are some decent waves to be ridden out there, but it will be a challenging session with a ton of paddling. Check it out if you have time, but not really worth going out of your way. Some other spots have more wind cover though and look more manageable. Have a great day and check back for another update!
Mid-Morning Update
Swell Rating
Swell Size: chest-head high
Water Surface: Choppy/Drifty
Water Temp: 77.2
Wind: ENE 20-30 mph
High Tide: 5:54:00 PM
Low Tide: 11:35:00 PM
Sunrise: 6:54:00 AM
Sunset: 7:17:00 PM