Today’s Surf Report
Current Weather
Wrightsville Beach, NC
March 25, 2025, 12:12 pm
68 °F
3 mph
0 in
C-Street / 03.25.25
Lunchtime update
12:14 PM / BY: Ati at Sweetwater Surf Shop
Good afternoon! There is not a whole lot going on directly out back, but there does look like some action over near Mercers pier. The waves look around knee high and tend to roll and fizzle out quickly. The wind is blowing 10.3 mph North and is causing some texture and drift. The tide passed low around 10:58 am and will hit high around 4:49 pm this afternoon. I would take out a foamy or a log to catch these small rollers, keep an eye on the cams and check in later for another surf update.