Lunchtime Update: Still a small wave out there. A log looks like the best call. Saw a few guys riding shortboards just now. Nice day and packed on the beach here. Be careful for the swimmers in the shorebreak at a higher tide. The beach looks a little trashed today but hopefully the visitors today won't add to it. Make sure you abide by the new surf zones. Be courteous and respectful to the swimmers, ocean rescue, and other surfers. We really need for this new surf zone plan to work. All new boards in stock 10% off the regular prices (excludes Firewire and yellow tagged boards).
Reef/Sweetwater Pro Am ENTRY FORM HERE!
Wave Forecasting Links Now at the Bottom of Each Page!
New WB Surf Zones for 2007 HERE!
Reef and Bobby Martinez come to Wrightsville Beach…..more info HERE!